Wednesday, September 15, 2010

yazz flute

Let me just start with this.
start at two minutes. This dumb kid gets punked out. NICE! (borat face)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

one of those nights

It really is. Its amazing how quickly your life makes changes. People in and out, trust in and out the door constantly. Well, with no more whining...heres some songs to bum you out.

i know what youre thinking...youre gay. but seriously. its a good song. listen to the lyrics.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

cut finger

a man with this much passion
a man with this much soul
a man that can get teary eyed at the sight of success
a man that has this much hurt
he goes farther than any man
any man that pretends
a man that bottles it down
keeps hatred like oil above water
it will never mix
a man with this much soul
he will be the best man you have ever known

i miss the days of Glenns guitar squealing just right
i miss the days of feeling the mans guitar in my heart
having pure love for every note as if they were family members
getting teary eyed of the beauteous noise that seemed to fit
that seemed to never feel better. ever.
using an instrument as a diary
and playing it with your entire heart
thats an artist
and i hold that word in the highest connotation
its the expression of a mad man
the pure expression of
and pure human emotion
that is an artist
no matter the medium
pouring everything you have into something that you hold higher then the rest
that is whats real
that is whats real
that is whats real
and that is the only real thing any person can do
the purest form of feeling expression

call it what you want
call me what you want
i know what i want
i know what i will do
all you know is what is best for you
god bless you
but do not ever direct me to what you think is appropriate
one day i will lay in the casket
every one will come up and look at my face
sewn shut and cold
it would not matter at that point what i had done in your disapproval
it would be respected that i lived life by my own rules
this system is a joke and lie
i will always be a rotten vegetable
hate me now one day respect me when im gone
until then i will grip the bottle tight
and tell you to eat my ass
and that is truth

my vodka filled beard tells my nights story
my stumble explains my non sense
my smell explains my disorient
my hate explains my rebellion
my lack of effort explains my care
my heart explains me

Saturday, January 23, 2010

being genuine is the most important thing in the world. why would some one want to deny truth for acceptance? this i will never understand. there are some strange people with literally no sense, they somehow tie me into there situations all the time. it takes alot to hate some one, it takes time and frustration. why? when you have no good reason? why waste your time.

Friday, January 22, 2010


Alone With Everybody

the flesh covers the bone
and they put a mind
in there and
sometimes a soul,
and the women break
vases against the walls
and the men drink too
and nobody finds the
but keep
crawling in and out
of beds.
flesh covers
the bone and the
flesh searches
for more than

there's no chance
at all:
we are all trapped
by a singular

nobody ever finds
the one.

the city dumps fill
the junkyards fill
the madhouses fill
the hospitals fill
the graveyards fill

nothing else



2010 is here, and the Haiti devastation goes on. Some amazing pictures coming from the tragedy

On a lighter note
In Local news....
A Woman kills her lover by sitting on him

amazing. only in cleveland.

Monday, December 21, 2009

blahzay blahzay


like my life this shit is about to be random

Yeah its sideways
Mon December 21, 2009
Christmas is around the corner and each second it creeps closer i give a fuck less. What a shitty holiday. Everyone buys stupid shit for each other that no one needs, or usually even likes. great.
Im here for the food man.
and the booze.

I learned today that this is why i have heart burn because of my esophageal sphincter (i think it causes bad breath too)

some new(ish) art...

Engine Impressions
Oh No! Not the Beast Day!
Bacon is GOOD FOR ME!
Walkin on sunshine (duster)
Teenage Tourettes camp
Show me your genitals
teen drinking